
Shit happens...

Call it bad luck or just a dumb move...somehow I managed to strain or possibly tear my calf muscle yesterday. I was shoeless and decided to break into a little jog (blame the seagull getting into our bag of food at the beach) and felt the most excruciating pain in my calf. I couldn't walk on it all night and decided a visit to the ER was in order. No fun. I'm on crutches, lots of ibuprofen and icing my calf every 2 hours. I'm feeling slightly better today, but the doctor said it could take 7-10 days for full recovery. Moral of the story: let the seagull have the chips.


Nora said...

I'm sure the original "insult" to your calf muscle involved jumping up and down yelling Yipppeee when the kids went back to school. The extent of the injury appeared from the seagull later.

Kara said...

Ha. That's so true.

Stay on those crutches, Mel!

Melanie said...

I think Newi could be right on that one...