
Oh Christmas Tree

Are you decorating or shopping this weekend? What's on your Christmas wishlist?


Kara said...

We just got back from the madhouse known as the mall. I think we'll get our tree tomorrow or Sunday. Also, we should all go to the parade on Sunday. I'm not sure about shopping. Ben might go back to the mall today to see if he can find any great deals.

Nora said...

I gave Conard the 411 that now that Thanksgiving is over we need to put up the Christmas tree. That's as far as I got...

and yes, I have a list started for my present festival known as Christmas!

Melanie said...

Conard, you're part of the Smith family now! Get your Christmas groove on!!!

Melanie said...

I didn't do any decorating, but I did manage to my pre-decorating cleaning. I also did a little power shopping on Sunday afternoon. I'm sure the deals on Friday morning were amazing, but I'm NOT sad about missing the crazy crowds.