
Just so you know....

I mowed our entire lawn today. Hills and all. 

Thank you. Thank you very much. 


Nora said...

Good job! Surprised to hear you have a mower that runs.

Kara said...

Good exercise.

When I was a kid, I used to beg Dad to let me mow the lawn. He never let me. I actually like lawn mowing- something about seeing your progress while you are working.

Chris C. said...

My wife has asked me if she can mow the lawn, and I never let her either.I am not a big proponent of "women's work" and "man's work", but I would feel a bit less manly watching my wife mow the lawn.

Melanie said...

N: We have one mower that runs, two that don't and are just keeping the good one company in the shed...

K: Definitely instant gratification!

C: I always think of lawn mowing as a "man's job" too, but sometimes a girl needs to take matters into her own hands. :)

Chris C. said...

Mowing the lawn is just like vacuuming, but outdoors.

Nora said...

At our homestead we have a good arrangement: I mow but Conard has to weed whack. It works for us.

Amy said...
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