
Getting organized.

It must be all the back-to-school marketing getting to me, because I suddenly have the rare urge to organize every closet, cabinet, and yes, the almighty basement of horrors. I bought a hanging shoe organizer and a Rubbermaid set of drawers for Emma's closet. I've also dropped the hammer on the toy situation: half must go. That's not going to be easy, and it will probably take some furtive trips to the dump while the kids are in school, but it's a start.  

What about you: Any organizing tips or projects of your own?

*Disclaimer: Closets like this are purely fictional, and this type of hyper-organization should not be attempted without the help of a professional.


Nora said...

My tip is: don't be afraid to throw things away. If you are having trouble with that think of giving to Goodwill. Anything you are keeping, find a place for. If you can store it neatly, great. If not, its still clutter!

Melanie said...

I've actually gotten pretty good over the years at throwing things away, especially things that might be considered "sentimental." But it is amazing how quickly we accumulate stuff. I think you have to be relentless about keeping up with clutter, and I've been pretty lax lately. I wish I could hire someone to come in and help me weed through every room in my house.

Chris C. said...

you can hire someone to do that.

Melanie said...

Unfortunately, that's not really in the budget!

Kara said...


Nora said...

I'm bored with getting organized...